Watch:Denver Rapper Sam Jay Releases Video/Single “Better” (Feat. VocoChoir + Triip) Shot. Robo Creative



With the year coming to an end, artists are now winding down their year with releasing music but Sam Jay isn’t. The Denver artist connected with Vocochoir + Triiip + and Renaissance Mic for “Better” a song about self improvement and growth. The accompanying video tells the story. The team connected with a young breakdancer by the name of Ismo. Issac “ismo” Montoya and he is mentored and coached by The BreakEfx Crew in Denver. The single comes from Sam Jay’s project “Stained Glass Advocate” that was released earlier this year. Throughout this process Ismo worked through all of his frustrations while doing something new but he pulled through and is ready for the next chapter. Watch above and see what you think.